
Showing posts from August, 2016

Google Classroom August Updates

Google announced two updates to Google Classroom recently. Teachers can now add parent's / guardian's emails to their students in a class and those parents / guardians can receive daily or weekly emails showing them what has been posted to the stream. The other update effects items posted to the stream. Teachers can now add topics (or tags) to announcements, assignments, or question activities. Teachers and students can filter these activities by clicking on the topic on the left of the stream. Students can't search the stream but this will help them find activities when their stream gets full. Below are two videos I created showing you the new additions to Google Classroom 

Google Cast for Education

At the ISTE conference in July 2016, Google announced a new tool that would allow students to wireless stream or cast their chromebook screen to a teacher computer. This new tool is called Google Cast for Education. I created two videos to show you how this works. The first video is from the teacher side of the tool, and the second video shows you how the students will use the too. Set-Up for Teachers: Teachers need to make sure the following are done before they can start using Google Cast for Education: Can be used with the Chrome browser on a PC, MAC or Chromebook. Must install the Google Cast for Education app from the Chrome Store. Chrome browser or OS must be updated to version 52 or higher. Teachers name their receiving device so students know which device to cast to. Teachers share access with individual students, groups or Google Classroom Classes. Set-Up for Students: Students need to make sure the following are done before they ...